Friday, June 29, 2018

Rhys' first surgery!

Rhys has had breathing issues since the day he was born. When he was only a few weeks old I thought he had severe bronchitis and was going to choke to death. He would be constantly trying to clear his throat, but couldn't.  But we luckily found out quite quickly (one of the doctors at the office I went to encountered the same problem) that he was allergic to dairy products that I was consuming and then transferring to him while nursing. So I went on a dairy free diet until he was near 1 year old and we could wean him more and introduce actual dairy solids slowly to see if it still would affect him. After he would eat dairy you could still hear the thickness in his throat while breathing, but that seemed to be the only issue. So he continues to eat dairy and luckily we didn't have to put him on a special diet.

But he also has other sinus issues (like his dad) and when we went to see the ENT (after our dentist was concerned about Rhys' mouth breathing affecting his jaw and teeth alignment), he said Rhys' adenoids were enlarged (causing excessive snoring, mouth breathing, enhancing colds, etc). And he left it up to us to decide if we wanted him to have the surgery or not (and of course I am the WORST at having to decide anything!). Although I am for the "don't fix it if it's not broken" philosophy, I felt like he was suffering and would be for many more years, and it was a "common MINOR" surgery, so everything should be okay (fingers crossed). I had many surgeries when I was young and I turned out just fine LOL ;-)

So Rhys went in for his first surgery on June 20, 2018. We prepared him as much as we could, and of course he was mostly nervous about maybe getting a needle. I was quite nervous for all of us. I think the worst for him was the fasting past noon. He is HUNGRY when he awakes and it was a struggle to keep him distracted and not crying from hunger till it was surgery time. Everyone was great at the hospital, so we felt at ease. And he actually didn't need to have the IV in before he got put under with the gas, so that was better too.

It was a fairly quick surgery, and by the time they came to get us for recovery, they were wheeling him to the room and he had already had one popsicle!! They said he did great and was a little scared when he awoke, but then settled really well. He was still quite groggy and fell back asleep for a couple more hours. He had another popsicle when he woke up and never complained of any pain. We gave him medicine that night and that was it. He was perfectly fine then and the following days. Recovery was smooth.

Did it help his breathing? I think so. It's hard to tell. He has always had a deep nasally voice, and I thought that the surgery might change that somehow, but it didn't (so he still sounds like Rhys 😊). His snoring has pretty well disappeared, maybe a bit yet. Now Skye's seems excessive next to his - we should have got a 2 for 1 deal in hindsight! He says he can breathe better thru his nose, but I'm not sure he understands the whole concept. He recently had a cold and it was really minor compared to his colds last year, but that could be just coincidence. We will see how cold & flu season goes this year for the true test!

And Skye and her friends at school made Rhys some get well cards! So sweet!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Mother's Day/Father's Day

This year we celebrated Mother's Day AND Father's Day, by going out for brunch at Moxie's. They have such yummy brunch food!

It was just the 4 of us for Mother's Day.
And momma got to pick out a pretty plant to bring home!

For Father's Day, we were lucky enough to be joined by an actual "Father"!!
Father Bill (who is our family friend, and the priest who married Dino & I so many years ago) and my Uncle Jimmy & Auntie Margaret joined us.
It was a great visit as always, and they are always so good to the kids.
The kids love seeing them too. Sometimes they get confused and call Father Bill "Uncle Bill"! LOL.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Hip hoppin' around!

Skye had her first ever official dance recital on June 10th.
She had been taking hip hop lessons for the past school year.
I don't think she loooved it, but she sure looked cute in her outfit!
She definitely did NOT love the baggy pants though. we used to live in those when I grew up...HAMMER pants were the best 😂
Her sweet brother brought her flowers.
AND she ended up loosing her loose teeth in the back room, 10 minutes before showtime!
Lose a tooth for good luck, instead of break a leg?!

We weren't allowed to video the performance, so here is a bit of the rehearsal.
They danced to some good old Fresh Prince "Parents Just Don't Understand"!

Thursday, June 7, 2018

"Grandma Week"

The last week in May is referred to as "Grandma Week".
After our weekend in Edmonton, we brought Grandma back to Calgary with us for the week.
And it turned out to be a very busy week of fun! We definitely wore Grandma (and ourselves) out!

We had Senorita Skye's "Festival de la Primavera" (Spring Festival) with her school.
It was pretty amazing!
We hadn't seen her practice any moves and were blown away by her moves!
And the kindergarteners got to dress in Latin outfits, since they were the newbies.
They all looked so cute and bright! Skye was in love with her dress (albeit a little bare...oops).

Beautiful girls!

We made a trip to the zoo to see the new Panda's!

Skye had her soccer fun-day!
It turned out to be a really nice day, amongst a rainy week!

Girls obsessed with headstands!

Team Goofy! (aka as "Red Fire")

Skye, Grandma & I ended off the week with a musical at the Beddington Theatre - Mary Poppins!
It was amazing, as always.