Friday, July 20, 2018

Grandma's place - July 13-15

A summer trip to Grandma's house in Camrose. It was a little rainy, so Grandma decided to treat the kids to an indoor activity - getting their nails painted! 😏

It was a test of their patience having to sit and let their nails dry sooo long. I don't think we will be trying it again anytime soon LOL!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Some kind of date night!

What a spiffy couple!

Dino's been trying Rogaine and it's worked wonders!  JK!! 
We attended our friends annual Stampede party and they are a little crazy and make us wear silly costumes and play silly adult games. But it's always a lot of fun and laughs. By the end of the night, Dino's new hair was "growing" on all of us! 😂

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Grandpa's farm

Another trip to Grandpa's farm for the July long weekend. It was a nice relaxing weekend!
Grandpa makes delicious breakfasts and there is always a lot of fun stuff to do!

Skye, Rhys and Grandpa went on a quad ride to the neighbors and came back with lots of flowers and onion bulbs to be planted. So we had to plant!

And of course there were many more quad rides and another ride on the motorbike!
(still scares the crap out of me)

Before we left on the Sunday, the kids, Grandpa & I took a quad ride up to the cemetery to visit Grandpa Joe (my dad's dad). It's 5 years this October since he passed. He has a beautiful gravestone though - farming was his life, as it is my dad's. So the kids got a history lesson, as many of the deceased are distant relatives. I don't know a lot of them, and the kids won't remember, but it was a special visit for all of us.