But he also has other sinus issues (like his dad) and when we went to see the ENT (after our dentist was concerned about Rhys' mouth breathing affecting his jaw and teeth alignment), he said Rhys' adenoids were enlarged (causing excessive snoring, mouth breathing, enhancing colds, etc). And he left it up to us to decide if we wanted him to have the surgery or not (and of course I am the WORST at having to decide anything!). Although I am for the "don't fix it if it's not broken" philosophy, I felt like he was suffering and would be for many more years, and it was a "common MINOR" surgery, so everything should be okay (fingers crossed). I had many surgeries when I was young and I turned out just fine LOL ;-)

So Rhys went in for his first surgery on June 20, 2018. We prepared him as much as we could, and of course he was mostly nervous about maybe getting a needle. I was quite nervous for all of us. I think the worst for him was the fasting past noon. He is HUNGRY when he awakes and it was a struggle to keep him distracted and not crying from hunger till it was surgery time. Everyone was great at the hospital, so we felt at ease. And he actually didn't need to have the IV in before he got put under with the gas, so that was better too.
It was a fairly quick surgery, and by the time they came to get us for recovery, they were wheeling him to the room and he had already had one popsicle!! They said he did great and was a little scared when he awoke, but then settled really well. He was still quite groggy and fell back asleep for a couple more hours. He had another popsicle when he woke up and never complained of any pain. We gave him medicine that night and that was it. He was perfectly fine then and the following days. Recovery was smooth.
And Skye and her friends at school made Rhys some get well cards! So sweet!!