Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Vann's 7th birthday!

The kids and I went to Edmonton on May 25th for cousin Vann's 7th birthday
- and we picked up Grandma along the way. 
It was a fun weekend playing with the cousins AND extended cousins (Brett's family). 

The "sleepover" lasted all of 10 mins. 😂

Oborowsky cousins: Aviana (4), Skye (6), Vann (7), Evangelia (almost 2), Veda (5), Rhys (4)

Skye, Mae, Elin, Rhys - "planting ?"

The Sunday morning before we left, the kids got to have some fun at Aviana's community fun-day!

Petting zoo and some park fun with Grandpa!

 Grandpa flipped too fast and I didn't catch it!
Only the landing. Nailed it! 

Thursday, May 24, 2018

I wanna be a princess too!

The Royal Wedding of Prince Harry & Meghan inspired our own version of the Royal Wedding!

We were at a bbq at my Auntie Margaret's and it was Auntie Joanne's 39th wedding anniversary, so the kids got to borrow her actual wedding veil!

Rhys wanted a turn too (always a bridesmaid...)!!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Adventures with Gemsy

Skye's kindergarten class had a class mascot - a hamster stuffie named "Gemsy".
Each child had a turn bringing the little guy home.
They had to take pictures with Gemsy and journal about their adventures together!