Rhys requested a BATMAN themed birthday this year.
So we had a family dinner party at the Bat Cave the Saturday before his birthday!
Despite feeling a bit under the weather with a slight fever/cold
(and stating that he wanted to stay in his jammies all day - and not his cute batman gear I bought - even for the party!..and not even his SUPER HERO jammies...kid you're killin' me here...)
he had a good time with his cousins.
We also let him choose an activity to do as a family
(instead of having a "friends" party)
and he chose bowling!
So the four of us & Grandpa went glow-in-the-dark bowling.
It was lots of fun!
Grandpa ended up winning BOTH games (who invited that guy anyway??!),
but it was really close for all of us until the last couple frames!
Skye said she wants to bowl every week and get really good so she can win trophies. LOL.
So we will see what the future brings!
And Rhys proved that you CAN bowl with a chocolate bar in one hand.
All you have to do is get your sister to bring the ball to you, have your mom line up the ramp, and then push the ball off the ramp with the hand that isn't holding the chocolate.
Easy peasy for PRINCE RHYS!!
I guess it WAS his birthday, so we can forgive the lazy little guy...
Footnote: Mommy is REALLY glad birthday season is over with again...we (SHE) is partied out!!