The kids wanted to pick their own gear 🙁
I found myself on my own,
Between Ironman and Unicorn!
What to do, what to be?
Maybe a Woodland Faery??
Thru the woods I will flitter and fly,
With my magical unicorn at my side.
Best friends we will be, forever and more
And if we should get into trouble -
Ironman will be our HERO for sure,
It was a busy day rushing from work to pick up both kids, home to eat and then rushing over to our friends to go trick or treating. But it's so much fun to go with a group, rather than alone.
This year was a little wet and colder than the past few years, but we managed to last about an hour and a half - which was more than enough candy collected!! The kids had a blast and Skye was really into the spooky decorations - got right up close and inspected the glowing eyes and gruesome details - LOL. Wasn't scared at all. The funniest was this spider video!

(hence the blurry photos)!
Mostly the girls running away from Ironman...poor Rhys.
It was complete chaos. I'm really shocked that no one came home from and "crash" wounds - there were some very close calls! They got to dress up as well if they wanted to. Skye wore her other unicorn "costume" (all about unicorns this year...)
I thought the most hilarious part was the DJ playing lots of songs from OUR school dances 30 years ago!! Funky town! and a remix of Sweet Caroline!

Dino & I also joined friends, for our 2nd Annual Halloween fun night!
We went to the same pub as last year - Windsor Rose in Walden.
Even though there were only a dozen of us (with or without costume),
we still had a super fun time and a good visit (and of course some well needed beverages!).
Hoping to keep up the tradition for next year - so here is your warning -
you have a whole year to work on a costume for then ;-)