**post only written February 6, 2018 & backposted
We finally had our first real family vacation (farther than just across the border for summer holidays AND on an airplane!). Destination - sunny California!
We decided to keep the trip a secret from the kids (not sure the pros outweighed the cons on that decision). And after months of planning out almost every last detail, the day had arrived!

We took a bus shuttle from LAX to the Disneyland Hotel right on the resort. We arrived mid afternoon and had a little time to unpack before we went for dinner at Goofy's Kitchen and met most of the Mickey Mouse group of characters. The kids were very excited and it took Rhys a little time to warm up. But then he was right in there with the rest of the kids getting autographs and jumping around to the character parade music. After dinner we toured Downtown Disney and discovered all the fun it had to offer! So much to see and lots of fun shopping.

This was definitely not a morning shot!
No smiles that early for this momma!

For our very first ride on the first morning, we rushed to Carsland to ride the Roadster Racers. I thought this would be a favourite for both kids, as they love "Cars" the movie. We toured thru the ride and then got lined up to start the race. Honestly, I didn't really know what the ride was about, but it was known to be totally fun. WELL...the flag went down and we took off like a bat out of hell! A total shock! And not just for the kids, but for the adults as well. As our heads were whipping back, I looked over to poor Rhys between Dino & I (Skye was in the other car with her cousins), and his mouth was wide open, so I put my arm across the poor kid so he wouldn't get whipped around! (see photo!!) Once the ride ended all Rhys could say was "too fast! too fast!" and he was in shock.

Soooo...it kind of freaked him out for the rest of the week :-(
We could hardly get him on anymore rides.

The thing is - is that I actually did a lot of reading up on which rides would be "scary" for kids and which ones to likely avoid. But what they didn't say was - the fast rides might be even more scary than the dark rides or the rides where things jump out at you or have loud noises. And seriously - even in A Bug's Land where all the rides look like totally harmless "kiddie" rides, some of these were even too much. The spinning lady bugs - which we convinced Rhys to finally go on - didn't seem like they spun that much UNTIL you were on them...oops again. So I think it all depends on your child and their temperament/adventure comfort level!
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Rhys still has the look of fear on the
river boat ride - on the LAST day

I had initially thought that we might have to hang back on the smaller rides with the kids, while the rest of the group (with older kids and adults) hit the bigger rides and roller coasters. But of course our daredevil child Skye saw that they others were going on all the rides and she wanted to as well, so off she would go and she had a BLAST. She loved every single ride. The faster and crazier, the better! One of the only rides she didn't go on was the California Screamin' roller coaster and that was because I told her she wasn't tall enough (even though I didn't check, cause I didn't want her to go upside down...).
Sometimes Dino would go with her as her partner and other times I would go. I'll admit, I do not like roller coaster or free fall type rides, but I DID suck it up and go on a few with Skye. I didn't actually ride them gracefully, but I did go! And as I was squeezing my eyes shut and screaming my face off - for real, Skye would be laughing beside me and squealing WHEEEEE and wanting more. The only roller coaster ride that I DID enjoy was actually Hyperspace Mountain - which seems terrifying because it is all in the dark and you are going SO fast and up down and around and maybe even upside down! BUT I came off of there and said "I actually really enjoyed that ride because I couldn't see a thing! and I couldn't see if I was going to die!! LOL. And Skye said matter of factly (hands on hips) "MOM - WHY would you die??!" (oops...). Skye loved Splash Mountain too - and her comment off that ride was "Even my panties got wet!!" haha
My favourite ride, other than Hyperspace Mountain, was Soaring Over the World. It was AMAZING! It's a simulator type ride where you feel like you are hang gliding across the continents of the world (there were a few moments when I was actually freaked out as you feel like you might fall thousands of feet). They infuse smells into the air and you feel the wind and it feels so real. And things like airplanes and birds fly right at you and you think you are going to collide! Google the video for it and have a look! I could have rode that ride over and over.

We booked a dinner package and got preferred seating for the World of Color water show at Paradise Pier. That was incredible as well. As the coloured jets of water shoot in the air, Disney movie clips are projected onto the water and choreographed to Disney music.

Another character lunch we had was at Ariel's Grotto, where the kids got to meet 4 princesses - Ariel, Cinderella, Snow White and Tiana.
A couple days later 5 little girls got to visit the Bippidi Boppidi Boutique and get transformed into Princesses themselves, complete with gowns and tiaras. Rhys got to be an honorary knight! They had their pictures taken and then were led thru the castle where they got to meet more real princesses!
The kids were thrilled (okay mommy was right beside them!) to meet some real life superheroes - Captain America and Spider Man. So cool!

Besides all the fun at the parks, we managed to squeeze in a little bit of pool time at the hotel. We probably could have spent another full day there, since the kids love the water so much.