Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Rhys is 3!

Our Rhysee Piece is 3 already!

 He may be 3, may be the size of a 4 year old and as heavy as his sister,
but he is still my snuggly baby!

Rhys is:
- very playful and goofy;
- usually always smiling his big smile with his little top fangs showing thru;
- very independent and is adamant about doing almost everything himself (getting dressed, making
  his own cereal or breakfast, doing up his own jacket, cutting up his food);
- the best snuggler ever;
- still liking his afternoon naps (me too!);
- in heaven when he is being carried around in my arms or snuggling up to us in bed;
- loving to have his back scratched every night at bedtime;
- still twirling his abundant amount of curly hair;
- loving to be outside as much as his sister;
- getting more daring with jumping, riding his scooter, etc as each day goes by;
- talking non-stop and comes up with the funniest conversations. He likes to make jokes a lot;
- a sweet little boy/brother and does lots of nice things for his family;
- a clean freak like his dad - LOL. He likes to vacuum, clean and wipe the table and floors. Perfect!

We also celebrated Rhys' birthday on his birthdate this year, a Saturday.

Grandpa came to the city to celebrate as well!

So Saturday morning, Grandpa, the kids & I (Dino was in bed with a migraine)
went out for a yummy breakfast and then to Butterfield Acres Farm.

We got to see lots of animals, big and small, and even got to have a
pony ride and a tractor/wagon ride.
I think the kids liked the little chicks the best!


We also participated in the Easter egg hunt since it was close to Easter.
We had lots of fun hunting for the eggs amongst the trees, but when Rhys & I couldn't find that many, it was made clear why soon enough -
Grandpa & Skye had a WHOLE basket full.
They were sure quick like bunnies when it came to finding those eggs!!
Then the kids got to put them down the chutes to go to the Easter Bunny's factory as they yelled "eggs coming!!" so he wouldn't get bopped on the head. 



 We saw the Easter Bunny later on around the farm, but Rhys was keeping his distance!

Skye was happy to sit by him though and get a picture.
She tried to convince her brother that the Easter Bunny was friendly! LOL



After our farm adventure, the kids had a quick nap on the ride home, in order to gain some energy for the rest of the celebration.
Dino's family came over for dinner and ice cream cake!
Rhys got spoiled with a cool storm trooper costume and lots of new emergency vehicles to play with - he even said "I SOOOO happy!"

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Skye is 5!

Our little girl turned 5! Another milestone! 
I till haven't found time to measure her or see how much she weighs at this stage...
but eventually I will get around to it. 

She is:

- as goofy as ever;
- very creative - loves to draw and colour and do any kind of crafts she can get her hands on (which usually ends in a mess for me to clean up);
- a nature girl at heart and would spend every day/all day outside if she could;
- very active and energetic and is usually climbing, jumping or flying off something, while doing an obstacle course;
- fun and always coming up with ideas for something new to do;
- very strong willed and will not give up when we are "discussing" how to make things, or what needs to be done;
- smart and clever and never ceases to amaze us with the stuff she says or thinks of;
- sassy! which ends up getting her in trouble at least a couple times a day;
- her mother's daughter, which is why we butt heads so much!

oh Skye! you are a handful, but we love your spirit, imagination and spunk!

I FINALLY remembered to do this birthday questionnaire with her (been wanting to for the last 2 years...) and here are her answers:

We celebrated Skye's birthday on her actual birthdate this year - since it fell on the Saturday.
There were 7 little girlfriends, plus Skye (and the moms, etc.).
And Grandma even came to town as a surprise!!

Rachel from Kitchen Kids came in to show the girls how to make their own mini pizzas and smoothies.
The girls had so much fun picking their toppings and fruit to customize their creations.
They even got to use knives to chop up some of the food! Great learning experience.
And Rachel was so good with them! They cooperated amazingly. 
What adorable little chef's!!