Okay, so I worked really hard last year to come up with a meaningful anniversary gift for my husband. After some research, I chose to make a handmade "gift"-
a year of date nights
(actually 24 date nights - 1 in, 1 out per month)
I was ending my 2nd maternity leave and we had been pretty much house bound since our 1st was born - you know - hard to leave your first born with a babysitter, fussy toddler might have issues, all that sort of stuff :-)

I think we made it a month and a half…
so this year my gift is a REDO :-)
Here are some of the ideas that I found while I researched or others I revised to suit us. Some are more time consuming or work, others are quick. And you will notice the "IN" dates from the "OUT" dates. Not shown in any particular order.
Feel free to try some of them and let me know how they work out :-)
ps. my husband will probably try and fight me on the really cheesy dates, but it's all for fun and a few laughs right? ;-)