Our baby is ONE year old! I think that went faster than the first time around. More of a blur ;-) Rhys is such a big boy already. And he is a such a boat full of trouble already! Good thing he's cute...
His absolute favorite thing to do these days (besides eating) is CLIMBING. He climbs EVERYTHING.
Thinking back, it was the same thing with Skye. But I don't think she started as early or was as determined. And maybe a wee bit less crazy than her brother.

He climbs up the couch, then tries up the back of the couch, and grabs the blinds and bangs them around. He climbs the big mechanical car that we have from Skye's birthday last year. He climbs the toy box to get onto the coffee table. He climbs the ride on toys and stands on top while holding the handles and rocks back and forth. And he climbs the step stool in our bathroom and makes a bit of a leap to get to the counter. Needless to say, he can't be left alone at all anymore. AND he's not even walking yet. Can't wait…
He is standing more and more on his own, and walking along furniture and the table as he reaches up to grab anything he can.
His most liked "toy" is the remote control (in true guy form)! And he will hold it up and point it at the TV.

He is still about the same for vocabulary. He says "mom-mah". And a little more babbling, sometimes it sounds like "Dah" (dada?). The next closest thing is when he sees a cow in his books and I say "moo" he says "mmmmmm". He is "yelling" a lot more - usually at Skye when she takes something away from him, or at me when I don't bring him food fast enough!
He has 8 teeth now - those last two did arrive shortly after he turned 10 months in February. And it's an ongoing process - he has been drooling for a couple weeks again and gnawing on his fingers, so I'm sure something is arriving soon.

And he's been sleeping WAY better, thanks to finally getting around to sleep training near the end of February. Daddy bit the bullet (after much nagging from mommy), started sleeping downstairs with Rhys and did a great job with the training. It took about a week and a half till Rhys was pretty much sleeping thru the night. And about a month after that we did the nap training, but we didn't really have to work at it at all - he didn't protest much. Which was a nice surprise - as Skye was difficult.
So Rhys goes to bed at 7pm and is up at 6am every morning like an alarm clock - ugh! But I guess it's better than being up 3x during the night. I just have to learn to go to bed way earlier!
And he takes 2 naps - 9am and 1pm. Lately he will sleep for two hours, which is up from the 1 hr 15 mins it was about a week ago.
Another nice surprise - instead of the original plan of mommy sleeping downstairs, daddy decided he likes the "cooler" room in the basement and has choose to stay down there. So I get my own bed upstairs (more often than not, I have a little pint sized bug snuggling in my bed though). It sucks having to be split up, but there isn't much more we can do at this point. :-(
Rhys still eats a ton, but he has become more selective. Still LOVES his cheese! But he doesn't like fresh berries or some veggies in small chunks. Hoping its a short phase.
Oh, and he REALLY enjoyed his very first cupcake, as you can see. He knew exactly what to do with it! He is a very messy eater as well - always running his dirty hands thru his hair - yuck.
Rhys weighs in at approximately 24.2 lbs. And is 32.25" long.
(Skye was 20.5 lbs and 30.5" @ 1 year).
Rhys is still a pretty chill little guy, as he was from day one. He's so happy most of the time, and his giggle is infectious. He is the BEST snuggler and always cuddles into you :-)
The funniest - being when I "rescue" him from his high chair and he climbs up and squeezes me tight, obviously forgiving me for putting him there in the first place.
The last year has been a challenge with having two little munchkins to juggle. Most days it was just about surviving. But I think we have found our groove and we are thriving instead of just surviving ;-)
Skye has grown to adore her brother and is loving that he can somewhat play with her now. My guilt of "ruining her life" by taking away her only child status has been alleviated by watching them cuddle each other and laugh and play.

And Dino and I are so blessed to have two healthy and happy children to love and cherish! We are thankful everyday.
HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY Rhysee boy!
Much love from mommy, daddy & skye-bug. xoxo