So we were in Below the Belt and I was looking thru a stack of tshirts for sizing and Skye was exploring, but I could see her thru the aisles. And then of course the next time I glance she is gone…and I get a little frantic when I call and she doesn't peek around the corner. So I start searching thru the store as I am heading towards the exits and I still can't see her. So now I am getting a lot more frantic thinking she bolted out to the mall. Well I am just about to run out and check, when out of the corner of my eye I see something and then did a double take. Skye has climbed up the display, into the front window and is standing there looking out at the passers by!! And she had a few observers who were quite amused by it all. What a kid. I'm sure she was oblivious to the fact that she looked like a mannequin, but it was quite funny after my heart slowed down. Back in the stroller she went…
2. Skye learned about the Lego movie from the little boy at dayhome and has been asking to watch it. And she has also been all messed up with her sleeping schedule. Lots of days she is exhausted just before dinner, and even though I try to keep a very close eye on her while I am making dinner, she always manages to fall asleep on the couch the second I look away. And she is impossible to wake. So she will have a long "nap" and then be wide awake till late! This is why we cut out her naps during the day totally.
So last night Dino and I were going to sit down to watch some TV, but Skye was still awake. So we said she could sit with us for a little bit before going back to bed. She assumed we were going to watch the Lego movie and when daddy turned on the TV to something else the conversation went like this:
Skye: "uh where's the Lego movie"
Daddy: "we aren't watching the Lego movie"
Skye: "YAH we are" in a matter of fact voice.
We both started laughing at the almost 3 year old who acts like the boss.
3. Also last week, Skye was making some cards with stickers and her markers, while I went to put Rhys for a nap downstairs. I came back up and she was playing in the living room so I asked her "are you all done coloring your cards?" and she said "no, I colored my cheeks". And she turned around, and I looked up, and my jaw hit the floor. She definitely had colored her cheeks. And then I burst out laughing as she smiled so proudly and did a demonstration for me! haha. Thank goodness for washable markers! It came off SO easy.