It's more of a Valentine's weekend really...
Pink velvet cake with real strawberry cream cheese icing |
The kids and I had a busy day on Friday - we did Valentine's crafts and Skye and I baked a yummy cake and then mommy slaved over the stove and made a nice gourmet (?) dinner.
Creamy spinach and mushroom smothered chicken with Valentine rice |
Saturday was an entire day of hearts and pink and red and kisses with the munchkins!
Skye got a little surprise treat when she came out for breakfast.
She LOVES her balloons.

Mommy made pancakes for breakfast - which were supposed to have hearts drawn on them, but they didn't show up too well. They tasted good none-the-less. Different game plan next year…
Rhysee got to eat his first pancake with fresh strawberry drizzle. I think there was more on the floor and his face (and in his ear!!) than in his mouth, but I think he liked them.
Lunch continued on with the heart theme. Skye was quite impressed :-) it's the little things - haha.
Then we had a mini photo shoot/workout for mommy. Rhys was a tough subject and not very smiley (unlike him, probably getting tired). Plus he wouldn't sit in one spot for more than a few seconds, so it was like constantly picking up a wind-up toy and putting it back in place. And Skye was her usual energetic self and wouldn't sit still either. I had to keep bribing her with quarters (at least they were daddy's).
Result - 99% of photos taken were blurry. But here's some that turned out mostly.
yes please! |
kisses 25 cents. Any takers? |
his sister would like to buy some kisses!
she smothered him with kisses all day long, even after she ran out of money |
tickle kisses! |
trying to get away! |
dancing |
and singing to her musical card |
Rhys is singing too |
even hearts in Skye's hair :-) |
little sweetheart |
Dinner wasn't heart themed either, but it had lots of hugs and kisses and love anyway. We picked up pizza and went to take Nonna her Valentine card. Rhys was extra chatty and goofy, which had us all laughing. It was a great Valentine's!
Tomorrow…probably more Valentine's crafts and kisses!