Skye is always a goof, but the last week in particular, she is such a riot! She has me cracking up many times a day. And it occurred to me that I should be writing her lines down in a journal! Why did I not think of that from the day she began to talk…? it's been hard to keep up with them though!
Here are just a few from the last week. I know I didn't get them all jotted down. I will have to do it as soon as she says it or I forget:
While I am putting Rhys to bed I sometimes let Skye do puzzles on my phone. When I came out, this was our conversation.
Me "Skye it's time for bed. Turn off the phone please."
Skye "No I don't want to."
after many repetitions from me I finally say "Skye - I am the boss and I make the rules and you need to follow the rules. It's time for bed!"
Skye "No mommy - quite being bossy!"
Me "Uh pardon me??"
Skye "No mommy don't ask!"
Me "Skye - I am counting to 3…"
Skye "Okay! …member mommy - don't ask!"
Then her dad comes to the rescue and takes her off to bed as she is crying "mommy's the boss"…
She loves me, I can tell! ;-)
Then a few days later Skye and I are bonding over peeling caramels for baking and out of the blue she says "mommy - I so proud of you for not being bossy!". I'm proud of me too - hahaha.
Everytime Skye spills something or drops it, her line is "that's okay mommy! accidents happen."
As we attempted baking again this week and skye was my little decorator helper, she was icing cookies beside me. I added a bit of water to her icing to make it a bit runnier and she continued. When all of a sudden I hear "Oh sit! ($hit)". Bahaha. I would be guilty on that one as well…oops.
"Oh sit!" |
Me "Skye, if you are a really good girl Santa Clause will bring you a present. What would you like?"
Skye "presents"
Me "yes but what kind?"
Skye "an ipad"
…not likely! (that was her dad's influence)
"smells really yummy! tastes like caramels. How about bluebells?" (as she laughs)
"mmmm tastes like strawberry manilla"
"I ate lots cause I was starvin marvin!"
While Skye was having a sleepover at my cousin Niki's house she had a few too.
She got to sleep with my cousin Bronte and said to her at bedtime "you better not pee the bed missy!". Then they crawl into bed and she looks around and says "where is the camera??" (the monitor camera)
She was about to mess up the toys again after Ron had cleaned them up and Niki told her Ron would be mad because it was bedtime. Skye said "If Ron gets mad, that would be a BIG problem".
What a kid! I can't wait for more ;-)