I have a few older posts I want to do, but I wanted to get this one up tonight...
Since it was such a BEAUTIFUL day out yesterday (+13'ish), we gathered with all the Pezzente cousins and went sledding down in Auburn Bay on the Lake - thanks to Uncle Will for getting us access! The kids had a lot of fun and it was so warm out that we didn't even need jackets for the most part - as you can see.

Skye loved going down the mini hill, while the older kids did the big hill. And since mommy was going down with Skye most of the time and carrying her back up (who would have thought at 30 weeks pregnant), I was perfectly fine with the mini hill too! She also loved just walking up and down parts of the hill and all around trying to pick up snow with her too big mittens. We were wiped after an hour and a half exercise in the fresh air!