It's been a long time since I did an update on our baby. She is now 11 months! So close to a year old...
Such a milestone brings SO many changes. When you first have a wee little baby, the change in your life is enormous. It takes awhile to adjust. And then for the "middle" months, there are still adaptations, but they seem to be minimal and life kind of glides at a nice pace. Then all of a sudden month 10 hits and all hell breaks loose! ;-)
I am a wild one! Can you see it in my eyes?? |
Your little baby is turning into a toddler - taking off at lightning speed on all 4's as you chase her down the hall, climbing the stairs or the step stool you left out, dancing and singing to every bit of music she hears, waving bye-bye and greeting you with "mum mum mum" and "da da da" and giving kisses. I keep thinking how crazy it is that all of a sudden she understands so much of what is going on around her - she actually understands some of what we are saying! when did that happen??
Skye is such a happy kid (we are very lucky) and a lot of fun at this stage. She brings about so much laughter with her goofy personality and the excitement displayed in her actions and facial expressions. She is so animated! With that comes a great temper as well - wow can she scream, but thankfully it doesn't show too much. At this age, she is even more curious and determined!

She loves so many things: bath time, music, dancing, playing with us, pasta!, cheese, avocado, steak & chicken, water in her straw sippy cup, snuggling, her bunny babies (she's got a variety), going for a ride around the house on her zebra (we push her), going for walks outside, puppies & kitties!, still putting everything & anything in her mouth, driving!!, reading books (turning pages), playing ball, swimming lessons, balloons, climbing stairs (thanks Grammy!), washing her hands in the sink and playing with the bar of slippery soap, walking when someone holds her hands, pulling herself up on everything, tv & baby Einstein videos...oh and just recently she loves to hold her dollies! She will hold them tight and up to her face and snuggle and give them kisses.
Favorite place to be: in her bedroom pulling all the books she can reach off her bottom book ledge! The same ledge she will be climbing all too soon.
She does not like: holding still at all! (which includes getting dressed and having her pants changed), when you take things away from her, having water dumped on her head to rinse her hair, her face being washed, being contained in her exersaucer, sitting in her carseat for road trips, a bottle or homo milk...
- is 19 1/2 lbs (50th percentile) and 30.5" long (90th percentile)
- finally got her top front 4 teeth a couple weeks ago. And the two side bottom ones (next to front bottom) are poking out (total of 8).

- has quite a bit of hair now. It seems to grow quite fast. She had her first 'official' haircut on February 20th. Cousin Mandy got to deal with the wiggle worm! In the end, we had to finish in the bathtub to try and pre-occupy her.
- has medium brown eyes with a hint of green/aqua, depending on the light
Two more major changes in our life these past weeks are sleep training and weaning...
I finally decided that we needed some help in the sleep department. Things were just too crazy, and if I was to return to work, I wouldn't be able to function with how things were. So with the help of a sleep consultant we are finally making some progress. The first few nights were rough! We are now on night 11. We went from 5-6 wakings a night (nursing every 2'ish hours) and a baby that needed to be rocked to sleep, to a baby that can fall asleep on her own at bedtime (7pm) within minutes and no feedings during the night (and no soother). She is still waking once or twice, and we have more to accomplish, but we are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel (fingers crossed)!