Wednesday, January 30, 2013

3 years ago...

we celebrated our fabulous wedding day!

We were blessed to have better weather for our wedding
than we have had the past couple days.
And we have been even more blessed in our everyday lives.
The last year has changed our life drastically, for the better of course!
We became parents and get to wake up to
our little ray of sunshine every morning
(okay I'll admit - some mornings neither of us might be shining so brightly).
I can't wait to see what the next 3(0) years bring.
to my husband and our little family!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

baby likes to dance

Mommy was playing the old Fraggle Rock theme (who remembers that show??) for me - to go with my "Red" fraggle puppet, and she found some other cute music. She left the iPad for me to play with, but I wasn't really crazy about her choice of music, so I decided to pick my own.

This was my favourite - Baby VuVu - Everybody Dance Now.  It's long but very catchy! :-) I was sad when it ended - check out my pout :-(

This one is also stuck in mommy's head Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo - Snuggle Bunny...getting to be a bit much.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

first month of 2013

It seems that once New Year's had past, there was a strong urge to just get the decorations put away and the house cleaned up! It took almost a week to get that accomplished, but it felt great to have more room again and less clutter.

We finally got to set up Skye's play area too, so she too has more room to roam around. She really likes her new 'floor' and it only took minutes for her to figure out she can tear pieces of foam up and chew on them. Even in just one day with the extra room you could see she was making it from one side to the other faster by rolling.

This past week, at 9 1/2 months, she finally got the hang of crawling!  We had to tease her a bit by dangling a few things in front of her. And when she got mad, she went pretty fast for just starting out ;-)  But since then she is taking her time - which is fine by me. It's almost as if her foam floor acts as a fence for her and she hasn't ventured off of it yet to explore the rest of the house. Downstairs though she can zoom pretty good on the carpet. And I cringe as she gets braver with pulling herself up on other furniture and toys. I hope those two toofies stay put! Special thanks to Grammy & Grampy for buying the zebra walker - you should have bought a helmet to go with!!

We are almost at the end of January already. Another month flying by. And every day a big neon sign in my head blinks at me "time is running out before you have to go back to work". Ugh... It's like a dark cloud hanging over me every day. I will say I am a little (lot) stressed about it all. We have quite a bit of stuff to accomplish before that time (better sleeping habits, giving up mommy as source of milk!, etc). I guess I will have to really try hard to get a few things crossed off my list that have been there since my baby was born. It's hard to take the time to do some of that menial stuff when you just want to do fun stuff with the little one. Such is life I guess...

Here are some recent photos:

just waking up - look at that crazy bed head!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Skye's first Christmas!

on our way to GLE Christmas party!
We loaded up the truck from top to bottom and trekked to Grammy & Grampy's farm in Saskatchewan from December 21-27. It was great to be there for so many days. Even with the long visit, mommy didn't seem to get much R&R. Seems there was always something to do! We did get to visit a lot of family & friends though, so that is always nice.
me in my Christmas jammies (from Auntie Rita & Uncle Lyle)
Grammy thought my jammies looked small so she had daddy sneakingly give my toes some more room while we were at Church!
still a bit sleepy
my very 1st Christmas morning! 
cousin Vann you big brute! go get your own toys!
Skye - this was mine first!

my very own snow globe  - it tastes yummy
Skye's first Christmas was a lot of fun for all of us! She really liked the lights on the Christmas tree at our house and got to sit in front of it everyday to play. She was slow on ripping off the wrapping on presents and preferred chewing on the ribbon instead. She did love her new toys, especially her (plastic) snow globe! She LOVED it and would hold onto it and put her mouth on the globe and try to eat it every chance she got. I was sad to pack it up, knowing I wouldn't get to see the exact same reaction next year.  :-( I know she will probably remember it and love it just the same, but it will be different. It's hard enough knowing that they are growing before your very eyes every day, but when you think that they will be a whole year older before they experience something again is kinda sad.

yay!! my very own pet kitty
Vann - if you are nice to me I will let you double
oh my goodness! that Dorothy puppy is sitting by me!
I'm going to get her...

I got her!!
almost there!
Hey...that's not a real one! I DO know the difference!
 All dressed up!
Yah - lets go dancing!
I'm pretty sure this is how you open these things called presents...but what do I know, I'm new at this. 
a tractor like Grandpa's!

Nice Christmas socks Vann!

It's that Great Grandpa guy again
Okay - I think I got how this works - here goes...
The boys got to try out their 'new' sleds briefly - it was WAY cold out. The kids got spoiled with tons of gifts...and G&G even bought a new sleigh for the farm - but the poor kiddies didn't even get to try it out. They would have turned into popsicles in a few minutes. Next trip for sure!

On the 30th we had Dino's family over to our house for the kids gift exchange. And Skye got spoiled more. Thanks everyone for all the cute stuff! 

 It was interesting trying to get the 3 babies to pose for a picture. Poor Leighton - that fancy red bow in her hair was like a magnet for Londyn & Skye. She was getting pawed from both sides. I'm sure they were just being nice 'big' cousins and helping her sit up ;-)

Back L to R: Ava, Jayden & Brooklyn      Front L to R: Londyn, Leighton & Skye
dance party