The past 2 weekends have been very busy -
and both have been spent in Saskatchewan -
2 separate trips!
Last weekend we went to the farm to spend our family "Thanksgiving", since we were supposed to have a busy weekend planned here in Calgary for the actual Thanksgiving weekend. All of my family was home and we did the big turkey feast, etc. It was a good, but short weekend, as we were only there Friday to Sunday. So Monday was already an exhausting start to the week...
And then Tuesday morning we got a call that my Grandpa Joe (my dad's dad) had passed away :-( He had recently contracted pneumonia, and at the grand old age of (almost) 91 he just didn't have enough strength to fight it.
But seriously - 91!!! How many of us are going to make it to be that old and wise?
He had a very good, long, happy life and we are all so fortunate to have been able to have him in our lives for so long. He was jolly right up until the end and always had a smile on his face and a story to tell.
We left for our second trip to farm again on Friday and arrived in time for the prayer service Friday night. The funeral was Saturday morning into the afternoon, and it was a very nice celebration. Standing in the cemetery during the conclusion I couldn't help but think that Grandpa couldn't have planned for a better day - the sun was shining and it was a beautiful country afternoon.

After the formal part was over, everyone came back to mom & dad's for the tribute "party". It was a very emotional weekend for all and there were so many hugs passed around. But it was also one of the greatest weekends our family could have had together!
I think every one of us was/is so thankful to have such a fantastic and close family to support each other and to be able to celebrate all the blessings we have.

Grandma & Grandpa - you did the best job of raising your family and it shows all the way down to the great grandchildren. Thank you!
We love you Grandpa and will miss you dearly!
Rest in peace...