k - so far this blog has been all happy and cheerful, but right now I am going to vent!
Just a few of my pet peeves (that have happened all within the past 2 days - except the drive thru - but some of which happen on a regular basis, which is even more aggravating):
- grocery store clerks that forget to put a bag of your groceries into your cart!
Seriously - the bag is right in front of you!! 2 clerks on 1 till - one of which is there to
only bag the groceries and make sure they get into your cart... This should not be something else that I need to worry about when I am already scatter brained and can't remember normal things. And then when you phone and ask if it was left behind, they ask you "is it a problem to come back to the store and get it?"...omg if I could reach thru the phone right now...
- that also reminds me of fast food drive thrus - that all too often either give you the wrong item, or forget an item all together. I now wait at the window and check thru my bag before driving off. But the one time I forget, you can be sure it happens.
- people that park too freaking close to your car so that you can't get your baby (with or without the carseat) in or out of the car!
or even better - when you are IN the back seat feeding your baby (with the car running), they proceed to park so close that I can't even squeeze out the door in order to get into the front, to go park in another parking stall, so that I CAN get my baby out...
and for anyone that says "park at the back of the parking lot where there is more room"... I dare you! First, I have tried that and it still doesn't matter, and second - you try lugging a carseat with a 20 lb baby around all day long. You won't be parking that far away for long.
- you enter a store, look around, are still looking around (like you are lost) after several minutes, and still no one comes to ask you if you need help finding something! AND you can particularly see 3 clerks standing around chatting and doing absolutely nothing. You actually have to interrupt them to ask for help. At this point, if it's nothing I have my heart set on, I usually walk out! But it's still a waste of my time in the first place, which pi$$es me off. WTH happened to customer service?
Alright, I think I got that out of my system for now - thanks for listening. ;-)
Now to end on a happier note here is a cute picture :-)
Skye's first time sitting in a shopping cart. She was SO excited she could barely sit still. She kept whipping her head from side to side with the biggest grin on her face and her head held high like "look at me - I'm a big girl". It was so funny. Until she started to chew on the cart...yuck!
PS. what happens when you are only getting maybe a half nights sleep for over 8 months? (well come to think of it...lots of things!!) - you end up driving around for over a month with an expired drivers licence - oops!