So after gnawing on everything in sight for the past few months, 2 sharp little edges have broke thru on Skye's front bottom. The first was this past Friday night - which probably explains why she was up every hour that night! And the second one Dino found this morning. But it wasn't as bad of a night as the last one. It may take awhile for them to actually show up as Chiclets though, they are moving slow...

Other updates:
- Skye is 6 1/2 months old
- she can roll over both ways now
- she loves to "pat" us on the back. Especially cute when I am burping her and she is burping me :-)

- she is sitting up on her own for the most part, with just a few fall overs
- she weighed 17 lbs 6 oz last week
- she is about 27.2", which isn't much of a change from last time (or we screwed up last measure)
- she is liking food (except for green beans and chickpeas)
- she is a very happy girl and loves to chat, chat, chat
- also very curious. She always is looking around (sometimes her head spins right around like an owl) to see what is going on.
- she is a goofy child and lots of fun. Always making us laugh!