It seems that I've been doing a lot of photo posts, but nothing specific on how our little girl is growing and her personality.
Skye is almost 4 1/2 months old now, is 15 lbs 15 oz (as of today when she got her needles - boo) & 26.5" long. She is above average in weight and height, so you could say she is quite "healthy". She is a very happy baby with smiles and giggles galore, unless she is starving or tired. Then she turns into a little devil and demonstrates her strength as she is flailing out of your arms. Once she is asleep - little angel again :-)
She has a fun personality and is goofy. She is bearing more weight on her legs now and loves to stand with our assistance. I believe she thinks that she is at a podium then and really starts to chatter! She recently started a new high pitched squeal or squawk which is pretty funny (I think cousin Vann taught her this).
She loves her swing, being held, airplane rides from daddy, dancing around, TV (which I honestly don't have on that much!), her cuddly bunny & zebra blankies and Tip Top the giraffe, bath time (but not getting dressed after) and playing with us. BUT her number one favourite thing right now is eating her fingers and toes. I've tried them and they don't taste THAT good, so I'm not sure what the attraction is. Oh ya - she also likes the "little green frog" song that I sing (out of tune) when she is getting cranky and it makes her smile every time!
She hates being in her car seat and can arch herself out of that and anything else we set her in these days - gone is the freedom of not strapping her in.
We just put her in the jolly jumper this morning and she loves it - which is no surprise since she has been kicking like crazy since before she was born. She is on the verge of rolling over too, but her arms keep getting in the way and she is constantly trying to pull herself up into a sitting position (from recline) but can't stay sitting yet. She loves looking around to see everything and has started wanting to "help" - hold my glass of water as I am drinking, hold her bottle, try and get her soother in her mouth herself...

Last week we started a wee bit of "sleep training" and it has been going pretty good. She is sleeping from about 11 till 7'ish with one or two soother wake ups per night. During the day she is on a 2 hr cycle - so eats every 2 hrs and only has a half hour nap every 2 hours. But she needs to be rocked to sleep for naps (you never really think it's a bad habit when you start - I mean who doesn't want to cuddle the baby as much as they can??!). One thing at a time...for now I will take the sleeping thru the night and deal with the rest later :-)