The nursery is slowly coming along - we have painted, hung shelves, assembled the crib, hung the monitor, put up part of the decal (Dino decided that will be his project to work on) and stuffed the closet full of odds and ends - it's like an avalanche every time I open the door. I still need to pick up a night stand/bookshelf and some items for closet organization. And maybe in another 3 or 4 weeks I will start to wash the itty bitty clothes, etc.
My belly seems to be growing at a rapid rate now and I am still amazed at how it can just keep going...
The little monster is very active, especially at night. Overall I am still feeling pretty good, except for the tiredness, so I really can't complain.

Vann also got in a little play time with little Oliver Giorgi. Oliver is 2 months older than Vann.